Not all scars show, not all wounds heal.
Sometimes you can't see the pain someone feels.
Dreams are eternally as dreams.
Someday, we'll be holding hands. Someday...i hope...
ohhaiyoooo! hehs...basically, thr's nth much t post about. chioned finish shugo chara doki ep 38 - latest. && i've been quarantined. how great. bt nevertheless, queensway-ed on sat. aft tht was cine. then ngee ann city. apparently, i've reasons for being thr right? ethe'real & saiko sex gt performance. passed all th sushis && sweets from delp. hehs. then homed.
wen delp's house on sun. house warming. hui & sally didn't cme. T.T && suprisingly, delp's dad treated us red wine. bt didn't drink in th end. >< chatted with elmo san on msn. he said tht th sushi too hard!! T.T absolute failure... yanlin & madeline wen crazy on th way home. ciao! headed t grandma house. homed aft dinner.
tdy early morning 7.14am woke up just t sms ms toh my tempt. then wen back t slp. woke up at 12noon. ^^ slacked. watched shugo chara. msn-ed. hy chionged finish th sushis on tht dayy! woah! yepps. && recieved news tht homeroom is at h3-3? idk luhhs. whatever. msn-ed with kai also. LOLs. kip talking bout quit skol. haha! so gd luhs..i super envy him lahh! then msn-ed with hui. superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr miss her..idk y toos. haish~~ feel lyk goin back skol, bt dun feel lyk studying lehhs! ciaoooooooooooooooo!
tmr shall b homework dayy. cause i finished shugo chara alr. >< no more show watch liaoz. besides, if i dun finish my hw, it'll b stacking up. whats more, thr's a maths tution tis sunday! OMFGGGG! im so goin crazy. slacking time! lets hope they allow ear piece. hehs.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
boy, i didn't realise you were THAT important to me until now...
fuck up days. basically, i've been staring at lappy for almost 24hours everyday. 2days 1night oversea trip to Batam. *p/s quaratine me if you want.* didn't really enjoyed it luhhs. ferry trip was sleeping session. sightseeing && shopping at local products stores were total bores. && we even went to 7 POLO stores. WTF?! aunt bought me one of th POLO tee. *p/s thanks!* lunch was a total spread, until we cant finish. :/ hotel was alrights. just that i kept changing rooms. :P after that was slacking & slacking. then we went for arcades. then TRANSFORMERS for only $2.50! totally awesome! fell asleep a few times. but the end was exciting! :) headed for hotel & went straight to bed after wash up.
morning breakfast totally ruled. buffet style with super yummy looking food! after that was soaking in bathtub & sleeping!! then checked out & headed for shopping mall. lunched, slacked, bought stuffs, headed to ferry terminal. then another sleeping session & then dinner at harbourfront. homed.
basically, heading to queensway to get piercing alchol. then there's meeting tmr. i nidda prepare fried rice! >< && be at clementi interchange at 6pm. && we are heading to hermann's house for potluck + bbq! weets! then heading to madeline's house for hair dye once agains. the red wasn't THAT obvious! after that would be mascot parade! weets! ethe'real && saiko sex would be there!!
Posted by
9:39 PM
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Write the names of 14 people you can think off the top of your head, then answer the questions.
1. Delphina
2. Jiahui
3. Sally
4. Ivan Kor
5. Jocille
6. Wendy
7. Ahmala
8. Evan
9. Irene
10. Yihui
11. Nigel
12. Brandon
13. Cheryl
14. Willy
1. How did you get to meet 7?(Ahmala)
- Primary skol
2. What would you do if you and 13 never met?(Cheryl)
- Doesnt really matter? :/
3. What would you do if 1 and 12 date?(Delphina & Brandon)
- Best thing ever :/ Brandon is her bro.
4. Have you ever seen 14 cry?(Willy)
- No way he's gonna cry infront of me..
5. Would 4 and 11 be a good couple?(Ivan kor & Nigel)
- No Way!
6. Do you think 11 is attractive?(Nigel)
- Mayb...
7.What's 2's favourite colour?(Jiahui)
- White.
8. When was the last time you talked to 9?(Irene)
9. What language does 8 speak?(Evan)
- Human Language.
10. Who is 13 going out with?(Cheryl)
- Soh Jun Rong.
11. What grade is 12 in?(Brandon)
- ???
12. Would you ever date with 10?(Yihui)
- Sry i prefer guys.
13. Where does 5 live?(Jocille)
- Opp queensway
14. What's the best thing about 3?(Sally)
- She is super sweet.
15. What would you want to tell 10 now?(Yihui)
16. Whats the best thing about 8?(Evan)
- He's super sensitive.
17. Have you ever kissed 5?(Jocille)
- Nope.
18. What was the best memory you have with 7?(Ahmala)
- Talked crap to each other.
19. When's the last time you see 6?(Wendy)
- Sundayyy
20. How is 14 and 12 different?(Willy & Brandon)
- Willy's more caring!! :)
21. Is 6 pretty?(Wendy)
- mayb...
22. How did you meet 5?(Jocille)
- skol?
23. Is 1 your best friend?(Delphina)
- sort of.
24. Do you hate 12?(Brandon)
- Fxck you.
25. Have you seen 4 on the last month?(Ivan)
26. When was the last time you said to 3?(Sally)
- ??????
27. Have you been to 5's house?(Jocille)
28. When's the next time you gonnna see 10?(Yihui)
- IDK.
29. Are you close to 13?(Cheryl)
- Quite.
30. Have you ever been to a movie with 4 before?(Ivan)
31. Have you ever gotten into trouble with 8?(Evan)
- Hmmm, dun think so :DDDD
32. Would you give 2 a hug?(Jiahui)
- Yes, of coz. If she ask for it(:
33. When have you lied to 3?(Sally)
- NEVER!!!
34. Is 1 good with socializing?(Delphina)
- Hmmm, quite lahs :/
35. Do you know secrets about 9?(Irene)
- IDK.
36. Describe the relationship between 12 and 14 (Brandon & Willy)
- Strangers.
37. Best thing about your friendship with 9?(Irene)
- ......................
38. What's the worst thing about 6?(Wendy)
- ....................
39. Have you ever had a crush on 12?(Brandon)
40. Does 14 has a girlfriend or boyfriend?(Willy)
- Nah, i dont tink so...
41. Have you ever wanted to punch 1's face?(Delphina)
- I'll make sure u end up in a coffin b4 tht!
42. Has 2 met your mother?(Jiahui)
- yepp
43. How did you get to meet 3?(Sally)
- In Sch, duh!!
44. Did you ever physically hurt 3?(Sally)
- Nt in a milion years.
45. Do you live close to 7?(Ahmala)
- She lives next block!?!??!?! derhhhh~
46. What's 8's favourite food?(Evan)
- IDK. Shall ask him next time.
47. What kind of car does 1 has?(Delphina)
- toy car.
48. Have you travelled anywhere with 9 before?(Irene)
- Yup.
49. If you give 14 $100 , what will he/she spend it on?(Willy)
- Car? Studies? IDKKKKKK!!!
Posted by
2:08 PM
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
alrights. im back once again. MIA-ed for a week uhhs? hoho. PLTC meeting on sat. duhh! kena Patrol Instructor. ciao!!!!! jocille && adrain siamed! dammit! how great!? im th only girl left. T.T went for forest walk. screamed && conplained all th way. P.S. cant blame me, th rest r wear long pants while im wearing skirt. && thr's alot of ants!! left in 147 directly aft tht. homed. bathed. cabbed t city hall MRT station. meet madeline, wenlin & someone else. P.S. i forgot ur name. then wen cine walk walk. hanged up calls frm zhihao! :P how fun is tht. P.S. OK lahh! sryyyy... then wen down scape. 1st guy i spotted was......ITACHI!!!! LOL. then saw naruto, sasuke, sakura, blah blah blah. saw 2 vamp knight also! ciao! i bet delp would go crazy. alrights. mayb not. soo...watched ysj's performance, then wen t find them as usual.
scene with kei...
kei:*talking on fone, walking past me*
me: *poke**poke* *pass th bag og chcoclates t him*
scene with sam...
mad: sam! u haven teach me hw t on gas!
sam: *scratchs hair in frustration* uhh?! u donnoe how t on gas!??!?!
mad: yaaa...
sam: OMG! then i tink u betta dun cook.
me: haha! ya loh! just in case th nex day headline is blah blah blah whole building on fire.
scene with jun...
jun: *walking towards us*
me: *points at madeline lyk some crazy woman* she sae she neva c you she dunwan go...
mad: *smiles at him*
jun: *pats head* grow up alr horh...
sam: *act as jun && pats mad's head&**walks away*
convo between jun & mad secretly...
scene with haoyang...
me: *waves*
hy: hi.
me: *smiles retardedly*
hy: u al here so late ahh...
mad: no veh long alr.
hy: ohhs.
me: gt solo lata?
hy: nope. playing heavy mahhs. bt singing. throat nt feeling well.
me: *nods*
hy: ok..i nid t go prepare alr. :)
alrights. camp tmr until 21. shagg.. then goin batam on 24-25. my homework are all dead..chionged ouran high ytd. wee! then nw chionging shugo chara. bt dun tink i can finish it on time. earbone piercing hab been bothering me. ciao! end here bahhs. nid t get tmr camp's tings done.
Posted by
7:27 PM
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
1. Besides your lips, where is the favorite spot to get kissed? ; forehead.
2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning? ; slpy?
3. Who was the last person/people you took a photo with? ; agnes cousin.
4. Would you consider yourself spoiled? ; somewhat yes.
5. Will you ever donate blood? ; never tot of tht question b4.
6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex? ; aren't u toking crap?
7. Do you want someone to be dead? ; YES! or mayb not.
8. What does your last text message say? ; OMG so long?
9. What are you thinking right now? ; 好想再听一声, '我爱你'.
10. Do you want someone to be with you right now? ; YES.
11. What was the time you went to bed last night? ; 3.30am!
12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now? ; OP
13. Is someone on your mind right now? ; YES.
14. Who was the last person who text you? ; nigellim.
10. WENDY.
15. Who is no. 2 [JIAHUI] having a relationship with? ; SINGLE.
16. Is no. 3 [SALLY] a male or a female? ; FEMALE.
17. If no. 7 [PEARL] and no. 1 [DELPHINA] get together, would it be a good? ; SIAO PEHH!
18. What is no. 1 [DELPHINA] studying about? ; NORMAL SUBJ?
19. When was the last time you chatted with them? ; 1. JUST. 2. YTD. 3. FRIDAY. 4. YTD. 5. JUST. 6. LAST TUES 7. 27 MAY 8. YTD. 9. YTD. 10. LAST SAT.
20. Is no. 4 single?[IVAN KOR] ; YEP.
21. Say something about no. 2. [JIAHUI] ; SIBEH CUTE.
22. What do you think about no. 2 [JIAHUI] and no. 6 [IRENETAN] being together? ; NO COMMENTS
24. What will you do if no. 6 [IRENETAN] and no. 7 [PEARL] fight? ; TALK T THEM?
25. Do you like no. 8[CHERLYTAY]? ; OF COURSE! SHE'S MY DAUGHTER!!
TEN Lucky Person to do this quiz…
; i dun feel lyk tagging ppl luhhs.
alrights. hab been chiongin BOF these few days. crying, laughing lyk mad sometimes. jihoo sumbae is super sweet lahh! hehs. finished watchin alr. th ending was sort of expected lahs. junpyo & jandi tgt. JJ. LOL! btw tmr goin raffles place sell donation draw tix. so if you're free do cme down & support worhh! aft tht gt meeting. haish. one whole day gone. then friday gona prepare for streetfest. goin out with delp for lunch. yepps. thts all.
mayb it was my fault. bt i don't understand why i can't stop thinking bout you. gomeneh...
Posted by
7:11 PM
Saturday, June 6, 2009
alrights. im here t post agains. its been emo days. last sun was almost a torture. muscle cramp! wen ntuc t get bbq stuffs on monday. spent 50bucks! then paid another 50bucks on th catering. another 20bucks t th bbq pit.
tuesday was th best & worst day ever! wen ecp early in th morning. carried tonnes & tonnes of stuffs! wen t collect th catering stuffs with delp screaming all th way. bbq was super hot, until i kena sunburn. =.= then wen t rent blades. wtf! fell down on god noes wat?! *p.s. my butt still hurts now!!* && i strted sobbing i th middle of th grass patch? wtf! bt still stood up. bt walked back in th end. played games with my poor volleyball tht flew everywhr. then packed up. pangseh-ed yanlin *p.s. sry.* then emo-ed all th way with a cup of big gulp. thks van & teck guan for helping me gt th big gulp. th rest of them played with fireworks? derhhs! && they bully me lahh! =.= nvms. then left ecp. buss-ed 196. kip pulling nic's hair!! :P yihui wen irene's house t collect her house key, while i homed.
outing with madeline on thursday. wen imm. slacked at daiso. saw genesis!! LOL. then wen giant t get breezer. i w8-ed for th fucking Q for just a bottle of breezer! walked over th th library aftwards. then buss-ed 198. drank th breezer on th bus! hoho. madeline ran lyk crazy aft we alighted cause she was late for piano lessons. hoho! then homed.
outing with delp on friday. wen bugis. saw cousin! crap! i tot he was just some stranger or gan bro wen he waved at us. =.= makan-ed cfk agains. walk-ed ard. wen iluma. then sent her t funan. aft tht wen vivo t mit younger cousin. slack-ed ard. wen daiso. saw wana get stuffs for baking? && i went t get impt stuffs for 13 & 14. hoho! aft tht mit up with aunties && cousins. wen t makan jap food. aunt gave me black face! wtf? then some assholes called t ask for refund? derhhs! if u have th guts then cme out & talk! wad for juz sae sae behind th telephone & act ah lian?! aft tht wen harbourfront t eat icecream? then i wen t gt jelly bangles agains. hoho! then buss-ed uncle's van home.
tdy was boring. watch-ed mvp valentine. then naruto ep 112. then 3an guo ep 15. dl audi on lappy. then played lohhs. watch BOF just now & was so exciting tht i wanna watch it nows. ciao! w8ing for lappy t load th vid 1st. haish. end here bahhs.
boy, im sry. but i cant rpl ur question nows. but thks for being th one listening t all my complains. sry & thks.
Posted by
11:32 PM