konichiwa! nth much to post about. seriously can't expect anytink from skol life. amaths & bio & phys & emaths tests! ALL GONE CASE! duhh! i don't understand why, but im getting th feeling tht CCA is getting boring. not just th juniors marchin non-stop. but also us, PLs given a whole shit! tiring! thts all i can sae. thrs no point trying to compare us with others when th people came, but didn't give their co-operation. wads more, we have studies to cope toos. besides, you might wanna ask ard. which UG doesn't do physical punishment! if this is spreaded out, i tink it'll be a laughin stock. bah! wadeva! even though thr's PT on sats, but at least we get things done faster. && more games tht i tink are ohh so much better, & tht it needs every1's co-operation.
alrights, done posting. tmr gotta reach skol only at 830. tonns of shyt lessons tht you can fall asleep anytime. CRAP!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
gomehh! haven been posting lately. apparently, blogger went crazy! idk y toos. but anws. borings days. what can you expect from school life? duhh! && apparently, alot ppl are getting addicted to plurk! (im an example!) keke. yahhs. & jocille & peeps are getting addicted to ERIK!??!?! hehs..but he looked kinda handsome. whatever. =,= i want to have a book to read! crap!
dinner with mummy, daddy && their friends ytd. fone kip ringing. teo kp! =,= && bill was $660! siao luhh! but anws. world war 3 strted! whatever.
tdy i forgot tht thr was PE! holy shyt! gym workout. but th gym was lyk closed for god noes hw long. ss test! crap luhhs! every1 was lyk complaining. aft skol wen long john's with hui & del. sat thr for almost 1hr. then bussed home.
*sry i got super fucked up. idk wads gotten into me. sry...
Posted by
9:22 PM
Thursday, July 16, 2009
alrights, shall delicate a post for tht retarded bitch thr! don't look away! cause u noe u're th one! :D 1stly, whether im attached or not, it doesn't concern you. 2ndly, i wonder who's th humji one here! ROFL! i bet ur mama is feeling superrrrr depressed now. awww....i pity her. her child doesn't even use th name given. sad case. 3rdly, i wonder who's blog is this? why do i see nameless freaks barking lyk a retarded dog! LOL! im so laughin lyk mad nows. 4thly, please! please for goodness sake, brush up ur eng. mayb i shld go tell ms kong to gib u guys extra lessons to help u guys bush up ur eng. keke. tht sounds lyk a nice idea. ohh! && i seldom c ppl studying from ur class, i hope they are studying at home. bt as for u, i tink u've been playing too much! i shall be th kind one, if u nid remedial, can tell me, i can talk to ur tcher. hoho! lastly, i tink its best for you to fxck off, because no matter what you say, it doesn't matter. LOL! ur just wasting ur energy & saliva. I HOPE YOU CHOKE ON UR SALIVA WEN UR LAUGHIN! LOL! tyvms! :)) be honoured tht i delicated this post to yous. i sedom delicate posts to others. ^^
Posted by
8:37 PM
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
ohhhaiiiyooo! mina!!! keke.just woke ups. crap luhhs. i wan more slp. skol life serious sucked! i envy baby! he gets to chao geng at hme!! plus plus. tdy morning kena kp by chen jing! LOL! must finish chi compo. sian diao. promised baby to b gd gal. hehs. & tdy was suppossed t go for mass rehersal. bt i skipped. wen bmc ntuc to get spagetti stuffs! yepps. then homed. yepps. watched MIT agains. LOL. & wen slp. desktop computer was revived by cousin! tyvms! :)) bt its fucking laqq...&& audi patch gt fucking probs. so decide t cont. using lappy. yepps. i tink i betta mb t do th compo b4 i go crazy & strt to panic! LOL. have been plurking lyk crazy tis few days. esp with JOMAINS! she can go real crazy plurking! LOL. bought kim bum's ring. collecting it by next next wk. i tink & my contacts by august 4th. keke. && annual camp tee! i wanna noe th designn! bt wendy said tht it looks classy. so i tink it shld b alrights. okayys. end here bahhs! :DDD
hope sweety is feeling fine! && dear & kor to last long.
Posted by
8:30 PM
Saturday, July 11, 2009
i'll nvr let yoiu go again.
ohhaiyoooo! skol life totally sucked. basically its boring lessons plus slping sessions for me. tons of homework undone. caught for truancy. =,= wadeva. basically went for meeting at dennis's house ytd. my 1st expression was "WTF!" then looked at th house lyk some retard. basically, his house is lyk gu junpyo's house! thr's a fountain, a shelter (somewhat lyk twilight one, wen edward & bella danced during th graduation tingy), a carpark with idk wad cars (bt i noe they are damn expensive) & its nt just one, but 3, another one superb nice car u c below. th foto wasn't taken wen we arrived...so its abit dark. bt anws, it looks damn expensive && its in red & black! crap! totally fell for it!
okayys..basically, i arrived tgt with willy, hankiat, keming, dexun, shihwee, jiahao & tecklim. && we got machine gun attacks by hermann && leongwai. dennis came down t fetch us. hehs. && i would totally wanna stay thr!! its superrr hugeeee! as you can see below, those fotos are only from th 1st floor.
Posted by
7:12 PM
Saturday, July 4, 2009
对不起。不知真么了,突然感到好害怕, 好害怕我们会像以前一样。
ohhaiyooooooooooo!wen tiong t mit delp & huis on wed. wen stalford then delp homed. huis & i wen cfk. then wen interchange t take bus. homed.
thurs wen vivo with mummy. OMG luhhs. she wen in to lyk every shop! then hab subway for lunch!! homed aft tht. mit delp at house downstairs aftwards. wen tpy. mit blogshop owner. collected stuffs. wen popular. then homed.
friday wen skol. totally sucked. every1 strted talking bout batam...LOL. && im lyk sitting in th middle of no whr! ahhh! crapp! tonns of stuffs nt done. hehe. ext for eng compo & maths hw! tyty! then wen funan with delp. makan cfk. then did one paper. aft tht edited proposal. then homed.
tdy was boring. woke up. watched full moon wo sagashite. not bad luhhs. i wonder hw would b my day if i wen suntec. end here bahhs..wanna go take dinner & watch BOF.
Posted by
9:55 PM